Boss Plows 30th Anniversary – 30 Snowplowing Inventions Part 6 of 6

Boss Plows 30th Anniversary – 30 Snowplowing Inventions Part 6 of 6

Boss Plows 30th Anniversary – 30 Snowplowing Inventions Part 6 of 6

This is a continuation and part 6 of 6 of the Boss Plows 30th Anniversary 30 Snowplowing Inventions series.

26. Coffee

Where would we be without coffee? Probably still in bed.  We can credit the discovery of coffee to a herd of goats in Ethiopia.  The story goes that they were eating the berries from a coffee tree and were then observed by their shepherd to become highly energetic.  Can we say hallelujah?  According to the National Coffee Association or NCA, as of 2013, 83% of adults in America drink coffee on a regular basis.  That’s a lot of people.  The NCA also reported that Americans spend in excess of 40 billion dollars a year on coffee.  Not to mention there are 13,000 Starbucks Cafes in America alone.  I think it’s safe to say that we’re hooked!

27. Energy Drinks

Although much younger than coffee, energy drinks have been keeping Americans awake since 1997.  These sugary, carbonated beverages were originally advertised in Japan for the everyday Japanese business man trying to stay awake and climb the corporate ladder.  Energy drinks came over from Japan under the name of Red Bull, thanks to a man named Dietrich Mateschitz.  During a late night storm, what keeps you awake, coffee or an energy drink?

28. Heated Seats

The first electrically heated seats that were sold in a significant quantity were produced by Saab.  Contrary to what you might think, they weren’t originally designed with keeping people warm in mind, but to help minimize back pain for drivers.  Despite their original purpose, we enjoy what they’ve become and the benefits of having them today!

29. Cab Radio

The first radio designed for automobiles was implemented in 1930 by a company we all know well: Motorola.  The business was struggling to stay afloat after the stock market crash and the persisting Great Depression.  The invention and production of cab radios greatly bolstered the business during difficult times.  We thank them for designing such a wonderful device that we can’t imagine vehicles without, especially after many hours behind a plow.

30. In Cab Heat

Before we had in-cab heat, taking a short ride in the car was downright miserable.  Vehicles used to be manufactured with an open body design, which allowed all of the elements of the weather, rain, snow, or hall, to fall on any driver or passenger of the vehicle.  Can you imagine plowing for hours without a cab or any heat?  No thank you.  Luckily, in 1909, Hudson manufactured a car that was fully enclosed.  This was the first essential step to getting in cab heat.  Twenty years later, in cab heat was born with the Ford Model a Which featured a hot air heater.  Though the heating was inconsistent, it kept people much warmer than no heat at all!

Where would we be without all of these inventions and ideas that help snow removal professionals do their jobs faster, more efficiently and more comfortably.  Though there are many other things that make snow removal better, we think this list covers many of the essentials.  Do you have more to add to the list? Let us know!!

Sources: TechHive | American Meteorological Society | The Next Web | Business Insider | New York Times | National Coffee Association | Yahoo Finance | Salt Works | National Geographic | Car and Driver | Motorola | Advance Auto Parts | World Car Fans | Saint Anselm College | BBS | Carhartt | NPR

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