SnowDogg Hydraulic Valves and Fittings consist of some vital components of your Snow Plow including hydraulic fittings for the entire hydraulic system. Without fittings on your plow, the hoses wouldn’t connect to anything and therefor wouldn’t provide hydraulic power to the rest of the plow as needed. From time to time, you’ll find an issue with your hydraulic fittings such as one becoming loose which would cause it to leak hydraulic fluid. Sometimes, overtightining them can actually strip the threads out. Buy brand new OEM SnowDogg Hydraulic Valves and Fittings from Trick My Truck in order to shop the largest inventory of in stock SnowDogg parts overall. We’ll get you your SnowDogg valves to you fast so you can get that plow back up and running fast. One of the most common parts you’ll ever buy for your SnowDogg plow are hydraulic valves. These valves are basically the brains which relay the signal from your controller, to the hydraulic system via hydraulic power supplied by these valves.
