
Wireless Blog

Find out how Western is Enhancing their Pro-Flo 525 and 900 Tailgate Spreaders

Western Constantly Changing the Game and Upgrading their Spreaders

Western understands the importance of listening to their customer's needs, suggestions and overall change requests to their snow plows and spreaders. New for this year, Western has...

Wireless Salt Spreader Remote Control Units

Wireless Salt Spreader Remote Control Units

Salt and Sand spreaders are the backbone of our wireless business. This is where it all started and has grown into nationwide popularity due to word of mouth...

Universal Wireless Remote Control for Straight Blade Snow Plows

Universal Wireless Remote Control for Straight Blade Snow Plows

New OEM snowplow controllers are $400 brand new and they require you to drill into your truck dashboard or run wires throughout your truck. With...

Universal Salt Sander Spreader Wireless Solutions

Wireless Solutions for any and all 12V and 24V applications. Turn your current DC Application into a DC Wireless workhorse with up to 500 feet line of site radius. From wireless salt spreader remote controllers and...

Click the black button for a complete price list of our Snowplows and spreaders.