Wireless Salt Spreader Remote Control Units
Wireless Salt Spreader Remote Control Units
Salt and Sand spreaders are the backbone of our wireless business. This is where it all started and has grown into nationwide popularity due to word of mouth on the overall performance of our wireless controllers. Our wireless remote controls will work on both gas and electric motors, just make sure you order the correct unit for your electric or gas powered spreader. Even the large dual motor spreaders work with our wireless remote controls. The remotes will work on both tailgate spreaders and box spreaders without hesitation.

Replacement wireless remote control for a salt spreader or gas spreader receiver
Weather potted receivers can handle the most brutal of elements and are backed by a 1 year warranty replacement. Simply mount the unit anywhere on the spreader, wire to the spreader motor according to the enclosed instructions and away you go.
On tailgate spreaders, you can wire into a 7 prong wire and plug into your existing 7 prong plug on the back of your truck for a plug and play feature. This is helpful for large businesses with many trucks for swapping the equipment from truck to truck. Even on spreaders that don’t allow to be powered via the 7 prong wire, you can run wires from the truck battery to the bed of your truck for an easy connect and disconnect if needed.

Universal Wireless Remote Control salt spreader only from Control all wireless
The bottom line is you no longer have to drill into your truck dash and through the firewall, to the truck battery, and all the way back to the spreader just to have a wired connection. Now you can simply wire into your existing spreader and have up to 500 feet of wireless connectivity for an uninterrupted connection that fits in the palm of your hand.