Boss Announcement: New Additions to the Heavy Equipment (Skid-Steer) Category

Boss Skid Steer Box Plows

Boss Announcement: New Additions to the Heavy Equipment (Skid-Steer) Category

Boss SKR Rubber Skid Steer Box Plow

REGARDING:New Additions to the Heavy Equipment (Skid-Steer) Category

SK‐R 8 and SK‐R 10 Rubber Edge Box Plows and Back Drag Edge Kit for Skid Steers

BOSS Snowplow is pleased to announce 2 new product additions to the Heavy Equipment Lineup for the 2018 season: The SK-R 8 and SK-R 10 Rubber Edge Box Plows. In addition, the new SK Back Drag Edge Kit is now available for all Skid Steer SK and SK-R applications. See details below.

Boss Skid Steer Box Plows

SK-R 8 and SK-R 10 Rubber Edge Skid-Steer Box Plows

Designed to put the full force and maneuverability of your customer’s skid steer to its fullest capability, the all-new SK-R 8 and SK-R 10 rubber edge skid steer box plows are the latest addition to the Skid Steer Heavy Equipment family. Featuring standard articulating shoes made from AR400, 1.5” thick reversible rubber cutting edges, and bolt-on wings for serviceability and stocking efficiencies, the new SK-R is a great addition. A complete SK-R Box Plow is comprised of the Blade Crate and Wing Pack. The Wing Pack Assembly is the same for both SK-R units.

Boss Skid Steer Box Plows

Back Drag Edge Kit for SK

The new SK Back Drag Edge Kit bolts on to respective SK box plows (including the SK8 and 10 and SK-R8 and 10) allowing the operator to pivot the box plow and back drag from walls, doors, etc. (SK12 is excluded).

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