
Boss Announcement: Back Drag Edge Kits for SK6 and SK12 Skid-Steer Box Plows

Boss Announcement: Back Drag Edge Kits for SK6 and SK12 Skid-Steer Box Plows

REGARDING: New Additions to the Heavy Equipment (Skid-Steer) Accessory Category

Boss Snowplow is pleased to announce 2 new accessory additions to the Heavy Equipment Lineup for the 2018/2019 season: Back Drag Edge Kits for the Skid-Steer SK6 and SK12 Box Plows. The new SK Back Drag Edge Kits bolt on to respective SK box plows (covering the full line of SK8, SK10, SK12 and SK-R6, RK-R8 and SK-R10) allowing the operator to pivot the box plow and back drag from walls, doors, parking spots, and any other tight squeeze spots.

New Part Numbers

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