Buy or Sell Used Snow Plows or Spreaders with White Gold Classifieds

Buy or Sell Used Snow Plows or Spreaders with White Gold Classifieds

Buy or Sell Used Snow Plows or Spreaders with White Gold Classifieds

Over the years I can’t tell you how many calls (or emails) we get asking “Do you all carry any used plows?” or “I’m trying to sell my used snow plow and I’m not sure how much to ask for it or what it’s worth.”.  Normally, we simply respond with a “No” and point you towards Craigslist or otherwise. Now, we’ve decided to provide you with a free solution to buy or sell your used snow plow or spreader.

White Gold Classifieds is the only place that is setup specifically for buying used snow plows and selling your plow or spreader to a large group of people that are looking for exactly that. It’s a free service to our customers and it’s easy to use. Just head on over to and on the top right hand corner you will find the button to “Sell Your Plow”. If you’d rather simply email the used plow information to us, we can list it for you but no guarantees on when we will be able to post it for you due to the busy winter season.

Your plow will then show up on White Gold Classified for others to find and contact you about, as well as in Google searches and other popular search engines to attract additional views to your equipment for sale. The only thing we ask is that you limit you postings to 3 pieces of equipment and nothing new can be listed on the site. Other than that, its completely free for you to use and just an added benefit of being a customer of SnowplowsPlus!

Click the black button for a complete price list of our Snowplows and spreaders.