SnowEx PWS-100 Liquid Pre-Wet System for Salt Spreaders

SnowEx PWS-100

SnowEx PWS-100 Liquid Pre-Wet System for Salt Spreaders

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SnowEx PWS-100 Liquid Pre-Wet System for Salt Spreaders

Looking for a more basic sprayer to get started in pre-wetting? Look no further than the PWS-100. This easy-to-use sprayer is compatible with our SP-1875, SP-3000, SP-6000 and SP-7550 spreaders, but it can also be used with spreaders from other manufacturers to wet material before it hits the spinner.

SKU: pws1000


PWS-100 Electric Powered Liquid Brine

SnowEx PWS-100 Brine Pre-Wet System

Looking for a more basic sprayer to get started in pre-wetting? Look no further than the PWS-100. This easy-to-use sprayer is compatible with our SP-1875, SP-3000, SP-6000 and SP-7550 spreaders, but it can also be used with spreaders from other manufacturers to wet material before it hits the spinner.

SnowEx PWS-100

Cab-Mounted Control Just Flip a Switch

A simple cab-mounted control turns the sprayer on and off. Pre-wetting doesn’t get much easier than this.

12 Volt Motor

A 12-volt motor powers a direct-drive pump. This simple setup results in low maintenance and reliable performance.

Additional information

Weight 900 lbs
Dimensions 40 × 40 × 40 in
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