Boss Plows 30th Anniversary – 30 Snowplowing Inventions Part 5 of 6

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Boss Plows 30th Anniversary – 30 Snowplowing Inventions Part 5 of 6

Boss Plows 30th Anniversary – 30 Snowplowing Inventions Part 5 of 6

This is a continuation and part 5 of 6 of the Boss Plows 30th Anniversary 30 Snowplowing Inventions series.

21. Tablets

Similar to cell phones, the first tablets weren’t exactly what we know and love today.  The first “tablet” worked in part with a stylus as its method of input.  It was called the Linus Write-Top and it was released in 1987.  The very popular Palm Pilot was later introduced in 1997.  From there, there were a few other tablet-like releases and with 2010 we finally saw the version of a tablet that we’re familiar with today.  Apple released the iPad and from there, tablets have increased in demand, popularity and practical uses greatly, including many uses for the snow industry and your business as a whole.

22. SIMA

Founded in 1996, the Snow and Ice Management Association has been providing the folks in snow and ice management industry with the tools to succeed.  They provide certification courses and learning resources to teach the best practices of snow removal and the professional elements of running a snow and ice management business. They have helped many people establish themselves as professionals and gain a competitive edge in the industry.

23. ASCA

The Accredited Snow Contractor’s Association, has been helping snow removal professionals reduce the risk to operating a snow business for many years now.  The ASCA was formed in 2010 from Snow Magazine’s first Industry Summit.  Since then, a group of volunteers has met with the insurance industry on the behalf of snow contractors to see what could be done to protect them from unnecessary risk.  Today, the ASCA is working to positively change how the outside world views the snow and ice management industry.

24. Trucks

The first truck concept was designed in Germany by Gottlieb Daimler in 1896.  This Truck was essentially a carriage with iron clad wooden wheels and instead of being pulled by a horse; it was propelled by an engine.  Different form a car, this truck was built with a vertical cab and a complex suspension system to ease the passage over the very bump streets of the 1890s.

25. Snow Specific Applications

Apps like Nor’Easter, NOAA Snow Forecast and many, many other apps help manage, warn, and prepare for all of the aspects of running a snow removal business and planning for the winter months.

Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8 AM to 5 PM, Friday By Appointment, Saturday by appointment. Click the black button for a complete price list of our Snowplows and spreaders.