Electric Striker Spreader Electrical Parts

Electrical components of the Western Striker Salter Spreader with electric 12V powered motors consist of parts such as the vehicle side harness kit, hopper harness assembly, conveyor motor cable, spinner motor cable assembly, vehicle side control harnesses and all other harnesses and wires. Get all of your Electric Striker Spreader Electrical Parts from verified Western dealers like SnowpnlowsPlus to ensure your parts are warrantied and 100% OEM. This is more important than ever when it comes to the electrical components on your Western Striker spreader due to the overall importance of the electrical parts and wiring. The “brains” of the Western Striker Spreader itself and some of the most important replacement spreader parts found on the Striker can be purchased from SnowplowsPlus and shipped directly to your door with 100% OEM guarantee and the fastest shipping around.
